Christians and Pagans: Why, Can’t We Be Friends?




In the last couple of days my writing and updates have increased a great deal. Mostly this is because I have left a soul sucking day job and now have the time and energy to write. It is pretty common when I am posting more that my blog would get more traffic. What I find interesting is some of the unexpected traffic that I am seeing. I have been in the public eye for a while now. Whether it is here, youtube, FB or in real life. I have developed certain habits on social networking because of this. One of these is that every time someone follows me, likes a post or comments. If I don’t know them I check out their profile, dig thru their page all around just check out who they are. Recently I have seen a large uptake of a certain kind of person following this blog. Let just say they are not my target audience.


I have been publicly Pagan long enough that I have dealt with many detractors, religious zealots and just plain hateraid.  It makes me sad and frustrates me.  I have many Christian friends who are loving and amazing people. Who accept me for who I am and support me in all my endeavours. It saddens me that these people so full of hate can be grouped together with my wonderful friends.


I have spoken to a handful of friends and it seems that the Pagan community on WordPress is being harassed and many people are leaving. Well, I am not going anywhere and there is nothing that anyone can do to make me go any where. If losing my parents because they couldn’t accept who I was, wasn’t enough for me to leave this path. Then there is nothing a stranger or a keyboard jockey can do.


If Jesus was here he would be so disappointed in these people. They are tarnishing his name, using it in Vain. The very thing he said not to do. I have 15 years of Christian Parochial schooling under my belt and I can quote the scripture with the best of them. Jesus was/ is an amazing teacher he just isn’t mine. We cool tho, we cool.  


For those who think pushing their faith on to other people is a way to bring them to your faith. All you are doing is driving them away in DROVES. Paganism and it’s various umbrella paths is the fastest growing religion in the world. I would say twice or three times as many people then the numbers currently say. Why? People are scared, they are scared of losing family, friends, jobs.


It is more socially acceptable for an ethnic person to be of a non mainstream faith then for a white person. Why? They view it as a personal betrayal. An ethnic person doesn’t know any better, that is how they were raised.  A white person they know better and have turned their back on God. This is the way the bigots think. This is why they get so upset. Their faith, their views are the glue that holds their whole world together. When we chose to not use that glue and make our own it terrifies them.


Hell, it terrifies us. It is this process that separates the wheat from the chaff.  This is how the baby Pagans become real Pagans they must make their own glue. Those that fail continue on their search. Many to Atheism, Agnosticism or back to Christianity.


Basically all are welcome here unless you are looking to pick a fight.


Sugar don’t got time for that!


Which Witch is Which…



So you want to be a Witch?….

With the growth of Paganism, New Age, Wicca and the Occult on the rise. There is a lot of confusion as to Which Witch is Which?

First, let’s break down the Five different ways one can walk this path.

1. Religion

2. Magickal Practice

3. Spirituality

4. ParaNormal

5. Philosophy


Now some people will have all five of these while others maybe one or two. For each person it is different and they will have these in different amounts. As no two people are exactly the same neither is their path.


re·li·gion   [ri-lij-uhn] noun

1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

When speaking in terms of Religion, this would include. Wiccans, Asatru, Haitian Vodou, Santeria, Indigenous Shamanism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hindu, Shinto, Some Pagans, Some forms of Buddhism and other Indigenous Religions.


Magickal Practice

Many Religions have a Magickal Practice, while in most cases the Magickal practice is kept to the priest class. It is possible to have a Magickal practice without Religion. Hoodoo, Folk Magic, the Occult and basic witch’s craft (aka practical magick) Usually a Magickal Practice is divided two ways.

High Magick – Ceremony or Ritual that’s intent is to commune with the divine or attempt to become divine. High Magick is an inward journey of spiritual evolution.

Low Magick or Practical Magick- While High Magick attempts to change what is within. Practical Magick attempts to change what is without, the external environment.

The concept and application of a Magickal Practice is best defined by the meaning of, practice.


Practice  noun /ˈpraktəs/

practices, plural

* The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use

* The customary, habitual, or expected procedure of something

* The carrying out or exercise of a profession, esp. that of a doctor or lawyer

* The business or premises of a doctor or lawyer

* An established method

* Repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it

* A period of time spent doing this


* Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency

* Carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly

* Actively pursue or be engaged in (a particular profession or occupation)

* Observe the teaching and rules of (a particular religion)

It is the PRACTICE that separates it. A practice is done on a regular basis with thought and effort.


spir·i·tu·al·i·ty that which gives meaning to one’s life and draws one to transcend oneself.

Spirituality is separate from Religion. In most case the two go hand in hand however it is possible to be a very spiritual person and not be religious. Someone who is Spiritual wishes to evolve internally into becoming a better person. Believing in Deity is not necessary for this evolution.



Ghosts, Psychics, Guides and The Fae. Everyone is born with some psychic ability. It is like singing, some have a natural gift while others take singing lessons. However even if you can’t hold a note, with practice you can learn to sing very well. The same is true for extra sensory abilities, however our cultural for thousands of years has been shunning this trait and in many it has gone latent.



And finally we come to Philosophy. Philosophy is the impartial academic study of Metaphysics. This is purely a study of the mind and not the spirit. Philosophy is the intellectual equivalent to spirituality although unlike the goal of evolution. Philosophy attempts to learn for the sake of learning.


These are the five things that make up Witchcraft. Since Witches tend to be ornery beings not all of us are going to follow these five. I am sure there a couple of particularly ornery ones that fall into neither of these categories. *smiles* Human Beings are a complicated lot and this subject matter is as diverse and as complicated as us humans.